Kriti endaro mahanubhavulu

Meaning behind Kriti Endaro Mahanubhavulu

The kriti is a prayer to Lord Rama, asking him to protect the devotee from the evil forces of the world. It begins with a question: “Endaro Mahanubhavulu?” (Who are the great ones?). The answer is given in the following lines: “Ramachandra, Sita, Lakshmana, Hanuman, Bharata, Shatrughna, and the other devotees of Rama are the great ones.”

The kriti then goes on to describe the qualities of these great ones. They are described as being kind, compassionate, and always willing to help others. They are also described as being fearless and strong, and always ready to fight against evil. It ends with a prayer to Lord Rama, asking him to protect the devotee from the evil forces of the world. The devotee asks Rama to give him the strength to overcome his weaknesses and to lead a righteous life.

Kriti Endaro Mahanubhavulu Composition

Endaro Mahanubhavulu is a kriti (composition) in the Carnatic music tradition, composed by Saint Thyagaraja. It is set in the raga Sri and Adi tala.

Endaro Mahanubhavulu is a popular kriti and is often sung in Carnatic music concerts. It is also a popular choice for bhajans and other devotional singing.

Dr. M. Balamuralikrishna was a renowned Carnatic musician, composer, and vocalist. He was known for his mastery of both the vocal and instrumental aspects of Carnatic music. He was also a prolific composer, and his compositions are widely sung in Carnatic music concerts.

Dr. Balamuralikrishna’s rendition of Endaro Mahanubhavulu is considered to be one of the best renditions of this kriti. His rendition is characterized by his clear and melodious voice, his masterful handling of the raga, and his deep understanding of the meaning of the kriti.

Kriti Endaro Mahanubhavulu lyrics

ēndarō mahānubhāvulu
andarikī vandanamulu ||

canduru varṇuni anda candamunu hr̥dayāra-
vindamuna jūci brahmānandamanubhaviñcu
vārēndarō mahānubhāvulu |

sāma gāna lōla manasija lāvaṇya dhanya
mūrdhanyulēndarō mahānubhāvulu |

mānasa vana cara vara sañcāramu nēripi
mūrti bāguga pōgaḍanē vārēndarō mahānubhāvulu |

saraguna pādamulaku svāntamanu sarōjamunu
samarpaṇamu sēyu vārēndarō mahānubhāvulu |

patita pāvanuḍanē parātparuni guriñci
paramārthamagu nija mārgamutōnu
bāḍucunu sallāpamutō svara layādi
rāgamula dēliyu vārēndarō mahānubhāvulu |

hari guṇa maṇimaya saramulu galamuna śōbhillu
bhakta kōṭulilalō tēlivitō cēlimitō
karuṇa galgi jagamēllanu sudhā dr̥ṣṭicē brōcu
vārēndarō mahānubhāvulu |

hōyalu mīra naḍalu galgu sarasuni sadā kanula
jucucunu pulaka śarīrulai ānanda payōdhi
nimagnulai mudambunanu yaśamu gala
vārēndarō mahānubhāvulu |

parama bhāgavata mauni vara śaśi vibhākara sanaka sanandana
digīśa sura kimpuruṣa kanaka kaśyapu suta nārada tumburu
pavanasūnu bālacandra dhara śuka sarōjabhava bhūsuravarulu
parama pāvanulu ghanulu śāśvatulu kamala bhava sukhamu
sadānubhavulu gāka ēndarō mahānubhāvulu |

nī mēnu nāma vaibhavambulanu nī parākrama dhairyamula śānta mānasamu nīvuyanu
vacana satyamunu, raghuvara nīyēḍa sadbhaktiyu janiñcakanu durmatamulanu kalla
jēsinaṭṭi nīmadi nēriṅgi santasambunanu guṇa bhajanā-nanda kirtanamu jēyu vārēndarō mahānubhāvulu |

bhāgavata rāmāyaṇa gītādi śr̥ti śāstra purāṇamu marmamulanu
śivādi ṣaṇmatamula gūḍhamulan muppadi mukkōṭi surāntaraṅgamula
bhāvambula nērigi bhāva rāga layādi saukhyamucē cirāyuvul galigi
niravadhi sukhātmulai tyāgarājāptulaina vārēndarō mahānubhāvulu |

prēma muppiri gōnna vēla nāmamu dalacēvāru
rāmabhaktuḍaina tyāgarājanutuni nija dāsulaina
vārēndarō mahānubhāvulu |

andarikī vandanamulu

ēndarō mahānubhāvulu
andarikī vandanamulu ||

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