“Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way.” – Edward de Bono

The above statement was so true to experience at Lee Foundation Auditorium at NAFA School, Singapore.

Concert Series: 37 by NAFA School of Music

How creatively directed by Joost Flach, Zechariah Goh and Lin Juan, ensembles from the School of Music present seminal 20th Century chamber music repertoire by Hindemith, Webern, Copland and Stravinsky, showing mini-symphony with 9, 13 artist also gives a different experience as symphony, how creatively you can showcase & entertain!

Music 360 happy to experience the event and best part of event was to receive the programme notes of the pieces which were being played.  Background explanation of pieces by conductors*Joost Flach, Zechariah Goh and Lin Juan was very *informative and entertaining too.

Below are a few of Glimpse of the Event!

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